The World Games 2021 bulletin 1

Orienteering will be one of the sports represented in The World Games (TWG) 2021 in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Bulletin 1 is now released and can be found in IOF Eventor.

The World Games 2021 will be an exciting and top-class event with elite orienteering at its best, for athletes, spectators and followers around the globe.

Orienteering will have 40 men and 40 women participating in three competitions, Sprint; Sprint Relay and Middle distance.

Entry and funding preparations

The World Games is a huge multi sport event which makes planning and coordinating entries a more challenging task. Please respect that your  Federation Teams (athletes and team officials) must be set at an earlier stage than IOF Major Events, the entry process is not as flexible and late entries is not accepted.

The federation quota will be presented later. The World Games and IOF will have a changed entry timelines process and we ask all member federations to prepare for The World Games in time. Please plan to have your Federation selection process as early as possible. The VISA requirements and our (IOF) ambition to fill up all our orienteering entry spots, demand an early preparation process. The entry process will start in autumn 2020.

The athletes will get accommodation and most of the services at the event funded by TWG. The travel to the event is funded by the IOF Member Federation. IOF also ask our member federations to plan for Team Officials participation in time.  All Team Officials accreditation and stay is funded by the IOF Member Federation. Note that in TWG 2017, several Teams cooperated by sharing Team Officials, please plan for this in time for TWG to coordinate accommodation and accreditation.

Link to IOF Eventor

IOF Contacts for TWG 2021:

The World Games Coordinator of the Orienteering Events: Cristina Luis[email protected]
Media: Malin Fuhr, [email protected]
IOF Entry coordinator: David Wästlund, [email protected]
TV: Tom Hollowell, [email protected]
Senior Event Adviser: Stefan Bergstrom, [email protected]
Quota: Aron Less , [email protected]