The XXIX IOF Congress and General Assembly is to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 4-7 October, 2018 The General Assembly will be held on Saturday the 6th October. On October 5th a number of IOF Conferences and Meetings will be held, among them:
- 2nd IOF Global Development Conference (GDC)
- 18th International Conference on Orienteering Mapping (ICOM)
- a Pre-General Assembly meeting, 18:00-21:00
News and reminders:
- Check the updated GA page where you can find GA Bulletin 2 and Congress binder
- There will be a possibility for IOF Major Events promotion stands/tables for upcoming bids and already appointed events. The promotion can be done on Friday the 5th during the conference breaks. To book a stand/table, please contact Dusan Vystavel, [email protected]
- There will be a table for flyers and brochures for IOF and non-IOF Events available during the Friday Conferences as well.
- Call for delegates to General assembly: According to the IOF Statutes (article 8.3), each IOF member has the right to send three delegates to the GA. The delegates shall be citizens or residents of the country represented. Please submit to the IOF Office the names of your official General Assembly delegates either by e-mail, [email protected] or by ordinary mail to: IOF, Drottninggatan 47, SE-65225 KARLSTAD, SWEDEN. We would appreciate it to receive your registration by Friday 21 September 2018. Read more here
- Find out more about our nominations for Election of the IOF Council. Their CV can be found in the last section of Congress binder.On the Pre-GA, Friday the 5th, nominated for Election will have a short presentation of themselves and delegates will be able to ask questions.
- Late Hotel bookings opportunities and Visa questions, please contact Dusan Vystavel, [email protected].