Anti-Doping: Nordic Seminar on Biological Passports

Last week, the Nordic Athlete Passport Management Unit (NAPMU) hosted a seminar on the topic of Athlete Biological Passports in Oslo, Norway. As a client of NAPMU, the IOF was invited to attend. Topics included sessions on both the hematological and steroidal modules, as well as practical advice on test planning, risk assessment, intelligence and investigations.

There were also several workshops where participants had the opportunity to discuss different scenarios and their potential courses of action.

The hosts, NAPMU, had really succeeded in putting together a varied programme, which attracted around 60 participants from different backgrounds within Anti-Doping. For a small IF like the IOF, this event really was an invaluable opportunity to meet and learn from renowned experts in the field of Anti-Doping.

Thank you to NAMPU for organising the event and for your continued cooperation!

Group discussions at Ullevaal Stadium where the seminar took place.