Report from IOF Council Meeting July 16th

The IOF Council held its meeting number 207 last Friday July 16th. Here are some of the key decisions from the meeting:

Event decisions

  • The Junior World Orienteering Championships (JWOC) 2024 were awarded to the Czech Republic
  • The European Youth Orienteering Championships (EYOC) 2023 were awarded to Bulgaria
  • Italy was awarded the organisation of the 3rd round of the MTBO World Cup in 2023, to be held on the dates 12-14 October, 2023
  • New dates for the Oceania Orienteering Championships (OOC) 2022 in New Zealand were confirmed, 10-14 January, 2022
  • The dates of EYOC 2022 in Hungary were approved as 2-4 July, 2022
  • New dates for the North American Orienteering Championships (NAOC) 2023 in the USA were confirmed, 28-31 July, 2023

Other decisions of note

  • Following on the General Assembly decision from 2020, that a ban on the use of fluorinated ski waxes in Ski Orienteering should come into place based upon the experiences of the International Ski Federation (FIS) and the International Biathlon Union (IBU), Council decided that a ban on certain fluorinated products shall come into place for the season 2021/2022. This decision was in line with the ban previously decided by FIS and IBU and their implementation of the ban. The ban will now be implemented in the rules for the next season.
  • The Map Commission provided a report to Council regarding their work with the certification of printing companies for map printing. Council confirmed the process proposed by the commission and approved the proposed method of implementing the use of certified printing companies for IOF events.
  • Council finalised rules decisions for the implementation of U23 classes in Ski Orienteering and MTB Orienteering for the upcoming season.

Items of discussion

Council had a number of discussion items on the agenda and these were brought to a next step.

  • A preliminary final report from the Fair Play Project working group was presented and discussed. This outlined the next steps of implementation regarding necessary modifications to rules and guidelines to strengthen fair play.
  • An initial review of the current membership fee system, as promised at the General Assembly 2020, was presented and discussed.
  • A discussion was initiated about potential changes to voting rights and what benefits this might have to members.
  • Reports from the World Orienteering Championships 2021 in the Czech Republic, which had been held 3-9 July were also discussed with learnings gained to be fed back to organisers and the FootO commission.

The full minutes of the meeting can be found on the IOF Council page