Statutes, Codes and Policies

The current IOF Statutes were approved by the IOF Extraordinary General Assembly, 25 March 2022, and can be found here:

Statutes of the International Orienteering Federation

IOF Code and Policies

IOF Code of Ethics

IOF Transgender Policy

IOF Sustainability Policy

IOF Policy on Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abuse

IOF Policy on Conflicting Event Dates

IOF Communication Policy and guidance

Data Protection at the IOF (GDPR)

Delegation of Authority

IOF Travel Policy

IOF Policy on Gifts and Hospitality


Conflicts of Interest

Conflict of Interests Policy

Register of interests

How to declare interests

When a new working member is appointed, or a member has a change in their register of interests, the information below should be sent in an email to the IOF Office on the email address [email protected]

Email subject: Declaration of Interest – <NAME>


I have no interest which conflicts with my position in the IOF


Person or organization I have an interest in:  ……
Nature of relationship and/or nature of conflict of interest:  ……

Person or organization I have an interest in:  ……
Nature of relationship and/or nature of conflict of interest:  ……